• ADHD and Possibility Nests

    ADHD and Possibility Nests

    I’m going to skip over the fact that my second blog post is 5 months and 2 days after my first post, because time isn’t real and I’ve already shamed myself enough about it. Instead, let’s talk about the thrill of possibilities…and the piles of clutter that accompany them. If you’re like me, things don’t… Read more

  • 5 Reasons Why Lemons Are My ADHD Mascot

    5 Reasons Why Lemons Are My ADHD Mascot

    Today I declare the lemon as the unofficial mascot for my ADHD. I know the lemons you’re picturing right now—the bright yellow fruit gleaming from the produce aisle. Or maybe you picture them somewhere more exotic: against the backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea, growing on a tree. You may love lemons, or you may despise… Read more

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